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Upload New - Bulk Data Management

Login to your collections and click on the Bulk Management button, this button is at bottom of your collections list.

You will be taken to this page shown below.

After you have downloaded the template you will need to put in all of the data, this data must follow the data specification found here:

Upload Specification:

This will allow you to prepare the CSV file to upload your collection. The data you will need for the our lists within the databse is presented here:

Bulk Upload Data Instructions

Click on the Upload new button

Click on the download Template Link show here. 

When asked to download the template, save to a folder for use a your original.  

Save the CSV Template file to a local folder here is my example you will have your own preferences here.

As you can see below I have save a copy of the template CSV file as Cropredy Bridge 1644

This means we can enter the data direct into the copy of the file and prepare it for upload, to see how we have formatted the data click here

Having prepared my file for upload we can now proceed to the upload process by going to the upload CSV file area shown below. clicking on Browse

The fille address will appear in the field so now you can click Upload as shown below

A pop-up appears advising of new collections and will ask you if you want to create one

If press the skip button it will show and error and the unprocessed data file 

However, when you click on the create button your data will be loaded for review. It will appear for you to look at check over as shown below

You can scroll down the page where you find some more buttons here you can choose to complete the upload, cancel the upload or download the unprocessed data file 

We are going to complete the upload.

We can now go and check our collections and here we will find our new Cropredy Bridge 1664 figure collection